I was shooting the bands REGNUM NORICUM, HEIDNIR and DYSTHEMIA at Shredfest (January 2022) at Zuckerfabrik Enns, Upper Austria. Although due to covid restrictions (masks, everybody seated...) it was a bit of a weird feeling for a black metal concert but I guess better than nothing. For the first time, however, while shooting I did not get hit, or beer spilled over, I guess that was quite a nice benefit.
The organization and the venue was on point and all three bands did an amazing job. Thanks to everyone who made this happen and to all the people coming to the show in these difficult times for events.
DYSTHEMIA at Shredfest 2022
Hope you enjoy the pictures I took. Follow me on Facebook (all concert pictures) and Instagram to see more impressions. I will leave you with some of my favorite shots in the galleries below.
Black/death metal band from Upper Austria with celtic vibes
Black metal band from Upper Austria
Black Metal band from Upper Austria